Be aware of your own excuses!
The light bulbs go on after my child care owner (and director) clients realize how the excuses they make in their lives come back to them in one way or another from other people. This includes potential new clients, existing clients, staff and personal relationships.
So if you're tired of hearing excuses from others as to why they can't do something, it just might be time to sit back and look at your own excuses and then ask yourself the important question:
How are the excuses I'm making to myself and others being reflected back to me by the excuses others make to me?
This is a great exercise to help you elevate your mindset and energy so you can attract to yourself the people, situations and things that will support your big, bold, dreamy vision.
The opportunity for you, especially if you don't feel like you're getting the results you desire in your child care business, is to start keeping a list of all of the excuses you think about and articulate to others. These excuses are a clear indication of the mindset that you presently function from. And if you've studied my child care business success model, you know that your mindset support your vision. This is critically important to understand.
I thought I had this process nailed down and eliminated all of my negative thoughts and excuses when I started catching myself saying certain words and thinking certain thoughts that made it very clear to me I still had some work to do.
The thoughts went something like this -
It's a challenge ... (excuse for not pushing myself to the next level)
I'm trying ... (excuse to fail)
It's a struggle ...(excuse that something might not be possible)
This is hard ... (excuse that I want things to be easy)
I'm doing something wrong ... (excuse that someone else is doing something better than me)
Can you relate to any of these excuses? There are others that I often hear from child care owners like:
There's not enough money ...
There's not enough time ...
There are not enough resources ...
There's a shortage of good staff ...
How are your excuses being reflected back to you?
For the next week I encourage you to keep track of 2 things.
- The excuses you give.
- The excuses you hear.
Make your list and see what correlations you can make.
If you'd like some help moving beyond the excuses you hear, give us a call at 1.800.211.5671.