Before You Put Your Help Wanted Flyer on Facebook
Child Care Success Strategy When Using Social Media To Hire
Every day I spend a little time scrolling through Facebook to see what everyone is posting. And sure enough, they hit my feed! And I'm sure you see them, too!!
Help Wanted Flyers
Now Hiring Ads
These postings for job openings may grab my attention for a few seconds and I might even Like the post to support the people I know who are hiring but not many of them inspire me to do much more than that. They don't connect me to the heart of their program or to the heart of their business.
I want to read a Help Wanted Ad and FEEL like... man if I was looking for a job - I would so apply to work here.
And it's not about the design. I've seen flyers that are stunning and very creative. It's about putting a message out there that will pull people in and create a base of raving fans for your child care program. And that's what you ideally want - a community of followers who pay attention to your posts and are excited about your vision.
If you're looking for an alternative approach to sharing your employment opportunities on Social Media, think about what you love about your program... what you love about your business and then share those items.
I just created this little image below. If you like it use it. But don't just throw it out there and say - "we're hiring."
-->IMPORTANT: Share something that you absolutely love about your child care program. Something that correlates with this graphic and post that.
Talk about:
Pick a word and write about what it means to you. Share a story. Share how your life is filled with this word. Share from your heart.
And then at the end of your post - write a Call to Action. So tell your readers what you want them to do.
You might want them to SHARE the post. You might want them to Direct Message you if they are interested in your job opening or know someone who is.

Remember, the more you fall in love with your child care program and convey that message to the world, the more of a magnet you'll be to pull in the right people - the ones who want to be a part of your vision. This will lead to more Child Care Success for you!
My success is validated when I hear child care leaders state: We're now attracting the BEST staff ever!
Yes, Julie! I would love some sample posts!
If you would like to get examples of specific posts you can make on Facebook and other social media - please join my Winners' Circle! It's an 8-week journey to attracting and hiring the best staff ever! Here's the link to find out more!
Attract and Hire The Team of Your Dreams!
Join Julie's 8-week Winners' Circle Program! Every week you'll gain new insights and support to help you attract and hire the best staff ever! Step-by-step we'll hold your hand as you implement mindset shifts and strategies to get those candidates pouring in! Find out more today!
Employee Handbook Makeover
Join Julie for a 90-minute Staff Handbook Mini Makeover Session. She'll share the concrete steps you need to take to make your Handbooks into an effective, engaging tool that helps your staff be successful as they help you bring your vision to life! Find out more today!
Julie Bartkus
Julie Bartkus has been transforming child care programs for more than 20 years. She is the best-selling author of Child Care Business Success and spends her days speaking and coaching leaders. She is known for her personalized approach in helping her clients achieve the levels of success they desire, including attracting and retaining the best staff ever! Apply for a Growth Session Today!
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